In November/December I was in Kaunas in Lithuania where Alstom refurbish a station with four units. I participated in the commissioning of the vibration monitoring system GenMonHydro and the excitation system MagnoStat 12 on unit G3.

During the autumn 2008 I have been to the Dominican Republic in a station called Jiguey. The station has two units that have been refurbished by Ansaldo, while ABB replaces the control system (800xA) and the generator/transformer protections. I was there doing dry tests of their control system on the first unit G2.

During the pre-summer 2008 I attended a two week long training course at the ABB University in Västerås on 800xA Engineering.

During the spring I was in Avestaforsen in Avesta in Sweden and commissioned two spillway gates and the emergency control system (KAS).

In February I was in Plavinas in Latvia and commissioned the IMS (Information management System) and also held a customer training on this system. I was also doing some general commissioning.

In January 2008 I was in Ruacana in Namibia and did some fault tracing/re-design of three static excitation systems that trip the units occasionally for no reason, probably due to outer disturbances.